Fire and plane from Vietnam War
South East Asia Destinations World Schooling World Wide Destinations

Interesting facts and stories about Vietnam – its culture and war

Sometimes, you are lucky enough to meet some extraordinary people. We met an amazing Vietnamese man – who not only is well educated about his country and its culture – but also has some unique experiences and stories to tell about the Vietnam war. That is one of our favorite things about Conscious Travelling. You …

Sacred Sites, Manifestations & Energy Work

SouthEast Asia journey Purpose and the Shift of Power on the Planet

Each journey we take has a different purpose – different energy patterns to clear, integrate and activate. Since 2012, we have been guided to work with different energies and activate and recalibrate Stargates, sacred sites, and traumatized places from wars, executions and other “heavy” experiences for different reasons. This South East Asia journey is no …